Dedicated to Awareness
TFF Blog #1
The Frankie Foundation
3 min read
If you are starting to read this, you’re with us and we value your support. Thank you.
Welcome to our first blog post….yes it’s unbelievable that we haven’t done it before, but it’s been coming for a while. Long posts on social media don’t work so well and so here we are on our very own website.
So here goes with the news that we’ve had to ‘trim the herd’ on our social media page somewhat this week and try to get our core followers down to those that this page was originally intended for….the general public on the outside of welfare….
Sadly our main TFF page was becoming a hunting ground for those on the inside of welfare, many of whom who don’t want to develop ideas or listen to opinions of others. In fact there are sadly many who want to sabotage a page created by ‘amateurs’. Strangely however they still wouldn’t leave, and so we had to help them. 😉
Originally we wanted our FB page to help to bring ‘regular’ people closer to the topic of animal welfare in general, but more locally also. We wanted and still want to connect both people to people AND people to animals.That has never changed, but through the experiences we have had along the way, our tactics and the way that we do it have.
To our credit we have always been consistent in our goal and our ongoing major gripe has always been the same. The lack of productive use of social media to create adoptions.
Social media is how we met Frankie in the first place and on that day, a light went on. Social media is powerful and it really works. We have proved it to ourselves over and over… and as we go forward, we will continue to try to encourage others to create more opportunities for animals by utilizing the tools available much more and much better.
The last few months we have been working to grow our own TFF Adoption Team page. This adoption specific page is designed to highlight animals looking for a new homes and is operated internally by ourselves and our team. Just a couple of weeks ago we launched TFF Rehoming, which is a new open page designed for everybody to use. It’s a place where the public can bring light to and advertise animals who they may want to personally help to find new homes.
Contrary to some opinion on our posts, we do indeed recognize that other people have other ideas to those of our own and we think that it’s great. They should go ahead and do them as we do ours and animals can only benefit. The more the merrier we say. Unfortunately some of those who have been ‘screaming’ at us online don’t want to embrace our ideas of improvement or change. They want to use US to implement THEIR ideas, (and we do all the work) but as Nelson Mandela once said “It is wise to persuade people to do things and make them think it was their own idea”. We’ve been trying to do a lot of persuading to push people to do things themselves, believe us.
Sadly the latest ‘smear campaign’ which you may or may not have seen is the reason and inspiration behind this blog. It was a good example of how some people think that we should be told what we can and cannot do and if we don’t, we will be discredited. Well, we responded as we were addressed in this particular situation and we think that it’s good so.
We are welfare amateurs as we openly admit, but we are no longer newbies. (We also haven’t met many ‘welfare professionals’ along the way.) If you’ve been following what we have been working on over the last almost 5 years you’ll have seen that we are people of action and that we organize things and we do them. We don’t just talk…..that’s one thing that we are very proud of.
Are we always right? No way. Are we perfect and do we think that we are better than everybody else? Of course we don’t. We know that we make plenty of mistakes too, but we always try to learn from them and we aren’t afraid to regroup and adjust as required. Sadly this isn’t the case for many other people who have found a comfortable place that is just too cozy. We will aim to inspire them to do more new things also, to try new methods, such as social media..for their own benefit we might add.
So thank you for still being here. You are as free to follow us here or on FB and IG as you are to leave. We don’t and couldn’t force anybody to be here and why would we? We simply want to highlight some areas of welfare which we think could do with a spring clean and a ‘pimping up’ and also inform you more about the lives of animals in need and share both our and their journey with you.
Team Frankie 🐾❤️🙏
The Frankie Foundation
+49 1523 6863895
Tavira, Algarve, Portugal.
Copyright The Frankie Foundation 2024